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What's the purpose of Support Grants?

This scheme is designed to fund quick access to short term training or related interventions, obtain/renew certification/permits for individual jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or where Case Officers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer or accessing other activation interventions.

The scheme is not intended as a direct replacement for the Technical Employment Support Grant (TESG) nor is it designed to substitute training and activation measures that are provided under other programmes and agencies (Solas/Education Training Boards) or actions that are funded as part of other programmes.

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A maximum amount of €500 per annum may be made available within a 12 month period for each Jobseeker, where appropriate. This is the overall total for each jobseeker, regardless of the number of courses sought/required.
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Eligible Payments

The primary focus of this scheme is on jobseekers and on supporting the activation policy of the Department.

Primary Eligible Payments

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance and Jobseekers Transition (incl. Casuals)
  • Jobseeker’s Benefit (incl. Casuals)

Other Eligible Payments/Schemes

  • One Parent Family Payment
  • Signing for credits
  • Blind Pension
  • Deserted Wife’s Benefit (DWB)
  • Farm/Fish Assist (FA)
  • Disability Allowance
  • Widows/Widowers Contributory or Non-Contributory Pension
  • Illness Benefit for 6 months or more
  • Qualified Adults of Jobseekers payment, who are job seeking

Case officers may also support jobseekers who are participating on one of the Department’s funded work placement programmes – as set out below – or where a person on another DEASP payment, not listed above other than State pension, have an identified work/activation opportunity.

  • Tús
  • Gateway
  • RSS
  • JobBridge

Payments not Eligible for Support

Employees whose employers are supported under the following DEASP funded programme are not eligible as they are NOT considered to be jobseekers for the purposes of this scheme or training is already being provided as part of the scheme (as in the case of CE).

  • JobsPlus
  • Community Services Programme
  • Community Employment Scheme

Selection Process

A Case Officer can approve a grant under this scheme where:

  • The course is not above level 6 on the QQI.
  • During the course of an interview, a training need is identified that is not otherwise provided by DEASP directly or any other state provider (such as Solas/ETB’s, Teagasc), within a reasonable length of time or at a location convenient to the jobseeker.
  • The intervention identified is linked to both the activation needs of the jobseeker and labour market conditions.
  • The intervention sought by the jobseeker forms part of the agreed personal progression or action plan to enter/re-enter the labour market.
  • They are satisfied that the jobseeker has provided reasonable evidence or grounds of need (for example in the form of a job offer or of a potential job offer) or an identified skill gap or a requirement to maintain or achieve accreditation (for example, safe pass, driving licences, HACCP, security industry permits).

The Application Process

  • Visit your local social welfare office​
  • Ask for a “TESG” grant application form
  • Post or drop the form into our head office (if posting document please sign it first)
  • Return the form to the dept. Of social protection along with our officIal quote
  • Once your application form is approved you can book your course with us!

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